Machine Learning

A blog discussing various topics on ML and AI. This site is being freshly bootstrapped, will be fixed soon! :) -- A busy Grad Student from UofT

Building production grade NLP workflow using AWS Sagemaker

Working on a brief tutorial on AWS Sagemaker. Will be uploaded soon..

Recommender Systems

Ever wondered how Netflix is able to recommend awesome TV Shows that are too hard to skip? It is an ML recommender system that does the trick! Well, not really... let's see the notebook below.

This is just an introduction to the Recommender systems. A future notebook will cover Collobrative filtering.

Supervised Learning

When we have access to labelled data, we can use Supervised Learning. The notebook shows a simple introduction to Supervised Learning.

Supervised Learning is one of the widely used Machine Learning techniques. But now, there is a big shift and organizations are interested in other learning techniques like Reinforcement Learning as the application domains keep expanding. In RL, an agent is capable of automatically learning by generating it's own data. More on that, on a future notebook.